I have never really been someone that has grand plans, nor have I ever really thought about the future. I was really making it up as I went. Right after I finished high school in 'The Gateway to the North' better known as Edmonton I went to New Zealand. It was here I ditched my plans to go to carpentry school and get into business. I did a lot more traveling until I went to University. Through the next handful of years, I continued to make shit up as I went never thinking long term other than, I can not stay in Edmonton and I must travel.
While in University I came across a fashion article about a German model now an actor named Ben Dahlhaus. He had this look I loved and I realized that all I was missing was the long hair and plugs. Naturally, I got the plugs right away, I love them. The hair was a different story, that was going to take some time.
Months into this journey of growing my hair and it was at the awkward stage, but it was winter so I always kept a toque (beanie) on. This helped hide the strange length that really was in this no man's land. Anyways, all this advice about growing hair and such can be found in the ebook.
Once I had grown these long sun-kissed locks I got a modeling contract. It was my second time applying to be a model, I was now 26 with a beard, long hair, and skin that had seen a lot of sun with little sunscreen. The first time I applied I was 18 and looked like a boy. Turns out modeling agencies want men that look like men. This is when I came to the core idea of this website, the art of aging gracefully. I believe men get more attractive as we age and we can stay normatively attractive well into our later years. All the knowledge I have received from colleagues in the modeling world, my current and former hairdressers, and my previous partners have led to this. I have all this information that I now need to share with all of you. I love my hair and it has become a distinct feature of me and how people have identified me. After enough people ask me, "what product do I use for your hair?", "how often do I wash your hair?", " How did you grow your hair so long?", it was time I create this space for all of us. I get to spare my knowledge and exercise my creative muscle and you get all my knowledge and secrets.
I'm not sure what else you need to know about me, I love the outdoors, and board sports. I still travel a lot. I have a lot of interests and I have felt the need to express my creativity and knowledge and this is going to be the outlet. One of my biggest strengths is that I am very self-aware. I have a really good understanding of what my motivations are. As I mentioned earlier I want to travel more. I have a dream of being able to travel the world forever. I will have a home base at some point, likely on Vancouver island. This pull to travel the world is never-ending. It took me a while to figure out why I had such a pull but I finally got there. The concept is that we have this one planet that houses all of us, yet we all experience it vastly different than one another.
I am outrageously passionate about my hair and I want you all to have great hair too!